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Formula 1 driver

Kevin Magnussen

Formula 1 driver 
Kevin Magnusssen


Formula 1 driver 
Kevin Magnusssen


Formula 1 is all about: Engine, body and mind 

Interview with Kevin Magnussen

To fight for points, Formula 1-driver Kevin Magnussen must optimize every single aspect of his game. The engineer and mechanics can improve the car, but Kevin Magnussen must improve his physics, alertness and ability to cope with enormous pressure. 

Looking at Formula 1-driver Kevin Magnussen sitting on the sofa dressed in a white t-shirt and comfortable pants, it is hard to imagine, that he has one of the most coveted and dangerous jobs in the world. Every fortnight he is a part of 20 Formula 1-drivers who fight fiercely for the victory. It looks like a lot fun but don’t be fooled, it’s hard work and demands a lot of preparation and dedication.  

“In general, you need to be fit. You need to be strong, and you need to be quick. During the race you need to be explosive and reactive. Between races there is also a big toll on your body because you're travelling around the world and getting jetlagged. It is actually, a big challenge to stay healthy and on top of your game,” Kevin Magnussen says. 

The tiniest advantage

Looking from the outside a Formula 1-race looks like two hours of great fun. How hard can it be? “Yeah, everyone has tried driving a car,” he begins. “Great aircon, listening to music and there might even be massage in the seat. Driving Formula 1 is nothing like that. You might compare it to flying a fighter jet because of the enormous G-forces, and then there is the heat, which is unbelievable. Sometimes drivers are fainting because of the heat. So, it’s nothing like a Sunday drive. It requires a lot of strength and mental perseverance.” 

During qualifying the drivers go around a 3-6 km racetrack and sometimes there is less than a second between them. The teams which can improve even the tiniest bit from race to race, will qualify in front of the rest.  

“Formula 1 is all about the details. If the engineer can find just one horsepower in the engine, which might not seem like a lot out of 1000 horsepowers, but that single horsepower is the difference that actually makes me gain one position. So, you're really looking for smallest improvements which give you an advantage.”


Formula 1 is all about: Engine, body and mind 

Interview with Kevin Magnussen

To fight for points, Formula 1-driver Kevin Magnussen must optimize every single aspect of his game. The engineer and mechanics can improve the car, but Kevin Magnussen must improve his physics, alertness and ability to cope with enormous pressure. 

Looking at Formula 1-driver Kevin Magnussen sitting on the sofa dressed in a white t-shirt and comfortable pants, it is hard to imagine, that he has one of the most coveted and dangerous jobs in the world. Every fortnight he is a part of 20 Formula 1-drivers who fight fiercely for the victory. It looks like a lot fun but don’t be fooled, it’s hard work and demands a lot of preparation and dedication.  
“In general, you need to be fit. You need to be strong, and you need to be quick. During the race you need to be explosive and reactive. Between races there is also a big toll on your body because you're travelling around the world and getting jetlagged. It is actually, a big challenge to stay healthy and on top of your game,” Kevin Magnussen says. 

The Tiniest Advantage  
Looking from the outside a Formula 1-race looks like two hours of great fun. How hard can it be? “Yeah, everyone has tried driving a car,” he begins. “Great aircon, listening to music and there might even be massage in the seat. Driving Formula 1 is nothing like that. You might compare it to flying a fighter jet because of the enormous G-forces, and then there is the heat, which is unbelievable. Sometimes drivers are fainting because of the heat. So, it’s nothing like a Sunday drive. It requires a lot of strength and mental perseverance.” 

During qualifying the drivers go around a 3-6 km racetrack and sometimes there is less than a second between them. The teams which can improve even the tiniest bit from race to race, will qualify in front of the rest.  

“Formula 1 is all about the details. If the engineer can find just one horsepower in the engine, which might not seem like a lot out of 1000 horsepowers, but that single horsepower is the difference that actually makes me gain one position. So, you're really looking for smallest improvements which give you an advantage.”

Melatonin, 3 mg
#00330 60 Vegetarian Capsules 1 per serving

“If I don’t sleep well, it hurts my performance.
To help me sleep I use Melatonin which also helps my overall physical well-being so I can show up for the races well-rested.”

Melatonin, 3 mg
#00330 60 Vegetarian Capsules 1 per serving

“If I don’t sleep well, it hurts my performance.
To help me sleep I use Melatonin which also helps my overall physical well-being so I can show up for the races well-rested.”

The biomechanics  

The car is obviously important, and the engineers and mechanics work tirelessly on improving it’s performance. Meanwhile Kevin Magnussen works on optimising himself physically and mentally. “I try to have a healthy lifestyle. Not too much cake, not too much candy and only a few beers. But it's all about balance at the end of the day.” 

To help him Kevin Magnussen has a personal physiotherapist, who he is in contact with every day. “I work out with my physio every day and he travels with me to every Grand Prix. You can say that he’s my man in terms of the human performance part of Kevin Magnussen. He's the engineer of my body and works on my personal performance. He has a deeper understanding of the biomechanics of my body. 

"If I have any issues, he can help.” It was also with his physiotherapist that Kevin Magnussen decided to investigate other aspects of his physical and mental well-being, which they could improve.  

“There’re so many people working on the car. You wouldn't believe the level of details that's being looked at in a Formula 1 car. Why not look at the same level of detail on myself? Improve the level of health and performance as a human being. You might gain one horsepower in the engine but how much can you improve as a person?”

The Biomechanics  

 The car is obviously important, and the engineers and mechanics work tirelessly on improving it’s performance. Meanwhile Kevin Magnussen works on optimising himself physically and mentally. “I try to have a healthy lifestyle. Not too much cake, not too much candy and only a few beers. But it's all about balance at the end of the day.”  To help him Kevin Magnussen has a personal physiotherapist, who he is in contact with every day. “I work out with my physio every day and he travels with me to every Grand Prix. You can say that he’s my man in terms of the human performance part of Kevin Magnussen. He's the engineer of my body and works on my personal performance. He has a deeper understanding of the biomechanics of my body. If I have any issues, he can help.”  It was also with his physiotherapist that Kevin Magnussen decided to investigate other aspects of his physical and mental well-being, which they could improve.  “There’re so many people working on the car. You wouldn't believe the level of details that's being looked at in a Formula 1 car. Why not look at the same level of detail on myself? Improve the level of health and performance as a human being. You might gain one horsepower in the engine but how much can you improve as a person?”

“During the race I need the highest level of alertness, agility and accuracy. I use Quick Brain Nootropic to help me improve mental speed and concentration.”


“During the race I need the highest level of alertness, agility and accuracy. I use Quick Brain Nootropic to help me improve mental speed and concentration.”


The protocol  

It made sense to contact Life Extension Europe’s health advisors and together they designed a protocol with recommendations for the specific needs Kevin Magnussen had.  

“I found it interesting, that you can get a supplement for any specific need, you might have. That you can improve yourself on a detailed level. You can be optimised just like the engine.”  

“You can’t just take any odd vitamins or supplements. There can be a huge difference depending on the research and development invested in developing the supplement or vitamin. Life Extension’s products are backed by science which is vital for me.”  

“It’s important that the vitamins and supplements are documented. But I don’t wake up every morning feeling an improvement, but I can feel a steady progress and I can see that my physical and mental results are improving. I want any advantage I can get my hands on,” Kevin Magnussen says.  

 Kevin Magnussen received a protocol with around 10 supplements and among them, the multivitamin Two-Per-Day. 

“Two-Per-Day is a very broad vitamin mix. It’s like a foundation. It provides me with a broad range of vitamins, I need. It’s not specifically for me as a racing driver but it’s helping me to secure my general health, and support my immune system, which equally importantly may even save me for a virus infection from time to time. I have two small kids, and they are magnets for viruses in a family,” he says.  

He is recognized as one of the best starters on the Formula 1-circuit. It demands a high level of concentration, focus and reaction. To improve this aspect of his performance he takes Quick Brain Nootropic.  

“You must react on the 1000th of a second. To do this you need sharpness. Just like any other component on the car you can optimize your brain and get a little advantage over the rest of the drivers around you on the starting grid.” Another supplement which stimulates cellular energy and increases energy production in the brain is Super Ubiquinol CoQ10 which Kevin Magnussen also uses.  

“I can’t feel my brain is getting better on a daily basis, but you want to just take any advantage you can get. And you know, although it's hard to feel exactly, that this specific supplement has made a difference, you know it works because the science is backing it up.”  

The focus is often on performance, but relaxation is also important. A good night's sleep is mandatory when you need to perform the next day.  

“I travel a lot between time zones and use a lot of time adjusting to the time difference. From the Middle East and directly to America. The rule of thumb is that you can adjust one hour per day. But I only have few days to adjust. I need all the help I can get, and Melatonin is a natural supplement which helps me sleep. A good night’s sleep gives me a head start before the race has even begun.”

“The Two-Per-Day multivitamin helps me with my dietary requirements and gives me a highly potent dose of vitamins and minerals. They cover my daily need for essential vitamins and minerals.”

Two-Per-Day Capsules, 120 caps
#02314 120 Capsules 2 per serving

“The Two-Per-Day multivitamin helps me with my dietary requirements and gives me a highly potent dose of vitamins and minerals. They cover my daily need for essential vitamins and minerals.”

Two-Per-Day Capsules, 120 caps
#02314 120 Capsules 2 per serving

Kevin Magnussen has only been optimizing his performance via his protocol for three months, but the results are showing. 

“I think it takes a little while to actually feel the difference, but I feel pretty good already. I’m not diagnosed with anything in particular I just want that extra edge, looking for that last 0,1 per cent which can help me improve my performance. And that’s what I hope to be gaining from having a protocol and I feel I’m getting there and I’m making sure, I do everything I can to get that extra advantage. As an athlete my levels are already pretty good, but I want to improve and make sure I get the every advantage I possible can.” 

Facts: The protocol 

Two-Per-Day: Essential nutrients. 
Quick Brain Nootropic: Supporting sharper mental alertness and accuracy. 
Melatonin: Supporting a restorative sleeping pattern. 
Super Ubiquinol CoQ10: Cellular energy production. 
Once Daily Health Booster: Delivers protective antioxidants.  
Super Omega-3: Health benefit for brain and heart. 
Tart Cherry: Supporting rapid muscle repair and regeneration. 
Calm-Mag: Replenish magnesium for stress management. 
Theanine: Promotes calm response to stress. 
Ribose: Helps promote energy production.

Kevin Magnussen has only been optimizing his performance via his protocol for three months, but the results are showing. 

“I think it takes a little while to actually feel the difference, but I feel pretty good already. I’m not diagnosed with anything in particular I just want that extra edge, looking for that last 0,1 per cent which can help me improve my performance. And that’s what I hope to be gaining from having a protocol and I feel I’m getting there and I’m making sure, I do everything I can to get that extra advantage. As an athlete my levels are already pretty good, but I want to improve and make sure I get the every advantage I possible can.” 

Facts: The protocol 

Two-Per-Day: Essential nutrients. 
Quick Brain Nootropic: Supporting sharper mental alertness and accuracy. 
Melatonin: Supporting a restorative sleeping pattern. 
Super Ubiquinol CoQ10: Cellular energy production. 
Once Daily Health Booster: Delivers protective antioxidants.  
Super Omega-3: Health benefit for brain and heart. 
Tart Cherry: Supporting rapid muscle repair and regeneration. 
Calm-Mag: Replenish magnesium for stress management. 
Theanine: Promotes calm response to stress. 
Ribose: Helps promote energy production.

“To help me increase energy level in my heart, brain and muscles I take Super Ubiquinol CoQ10. It supports me in maintaining cell energy production and over all energy level.”


“To help me increase energy level in my heart, brain and muscles I take Super Ubiquinol CoQ10. It supports me in maintaining cell energy production and over all energy level.”
