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For you, if you want to maintain muscle, immune, and gut health

The glutamine in L-Glutamine Powder can:
  • Help maintain healthy muscle mass
  • Promote energy levels under heavy stress
  • Support optimal immune function & gut health
  • Be conveniently added to your favorite healthy drink

Glutamine is one of the 20 amino acids used by our bodies to build proteins. It not only supports muscle health, but the immune system, as well as gut health. 

Product details:

Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid within the human muscle and blood. It is a building block for protein and is involved in many vital functions. 

Glutamine is required for rapidly dividing cells, including those of the gut, and is a precursor of the brain neurotransmitter glutamate.

It also acts as a fuel for some tissues as well as for components of the immune system such as lymphocytes and macrophages.

Certain factors such as heavy exercising can lower the glutamine levels in the body. Glutamine supplements cause a rapid rise in cellular glutamine levels and glutamine stores in muscle.

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Original source/product from Life Extension®