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For you, if you are looking for a bioavailable formula of sulforaphane

Optimized Broccoli with Myrosinase can:
  • Offer a clinically studied extract combo
  • Enhance conversion of glucoraphanin to sulforaphane
  • Provide a standardized glucoraphanin-rich broccoli seed extract

Sulforaphane is a compound derived from broccoli and is considered to offer numerous health benefits. However, it's notoriously challenging to consume in supplement form. Optimized Broccoli with Myrosinase contains a combination of broccoli seed extract and myrosinase from white mustard seed powder that is shown to increase sulforaphane formation and uptake during digestion.

Product details:
Health benefits at a glance:

Broccoli compounds like sulforaphane are thought to have many health benefits. However, it can be challenging to get from broccoli alone and is also notoriously difficult to take in supplement form. 

Optimized Broccoli with Myrosinase can offer enhanced sulforaphane bioavailability and make it easier for you to get this health-promoting nutrient.

Why it works:

It’s common knowledge that eating broccoli is beneficial for your health. However, it’s not easy for the body to get the benefits of broccoli’s nutrients, such as sulforaphane, because the cooking process breaks them down.

Life Extension’s advanced formula contains a clinically studied combination of a glucoraphanin-rich broccoli extract and the enzyme myrosinase from white mustard seed that has demonstrated increased conversion into sulforaphane and uptake during digestion.

The science behind the product:

A clinical trial confirmed that supplementation with nutrient extracts can help enhance sulforaphane delivery to the body. 

Participants who took the broccoli seed extract combined with myrosinase (from mustard seed extract) showed an approximately 63% increase in the conversion of glucoraphanin to sulforaphane. 

Most subjects experienced more than a 50% increase, with some individuals seeing up to a three-fold increase! (1)

How to use:

Please take according to the dosage and use guidelines under supplement facts, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.