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For you, if you are interested in a product with multiple health benefits for the body

The ingredients in Optimized Garlic can:
  • Support cardiovascular system
  • Promote enhanced immune response
  • Help detoxification at a cellular level

Optimized Garlic is based on scientific studies to offer health benefits for the cardiovascular and immune systems.

Product details:

Garlic has been valued for centuries for its many beneficial abilities. Garlic is known throughout the world as an amazing flavor enhancer, but it also boasts multiple health benefits for the body. 

As an important cell detoxifier, it contains compounds that prevent the formation of blood clots in your body. 

Among other health benefits are stimulating immunity and lowering inflammatory activity. Clinical studies show that as much as 5-10 grams of garlic extract is effective in enhancing human immune responses. 

Optimized Garlic capsules contain 10,000 ppm allicin, a key health-promoting component of non-aged garlic. In fact, studies have highlighted allicin’s involvement in immune response and oxidative stress.

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Original source/product from Life Extension®