For you, if you are looking for hydration in a natural form, especially after exercise as it is a must-have for endurance athletes to stay hydrated
The active ingredients in QuintEssential® Hypertonic Elixir can:
- Support electrolyte balance, normal energy metabolism
- Help with daily mineralization
- Help reduce tiredness
- Support performance and recovery
- Enhance the normal nervous system and brain function
- Support protein synthesis and normal muscle function
Stay hydrated with natural seawater electrolytes — as this elixir is on-the-go 100% pure seawater. It's excellent for use when desiring an immediate revitalizing result for the body or to support exertion with major physical effort. Hypertonic Elixir can offer the minerals needed for cell renewal and contribute to normal muscle and digestive functions.

Health benefits at a glance:
Electrolytes are important for hydration and are needed to sustain total body water and good Ph balance. Electrolyte deficiency can cause an imbalance and may degrade health and aerobic performance.
Staying hydrated, in general, and especially during exercise is vital for optimal health, performance, and recovery. Optimal health and performance require a consistent and adequate supply of these important minerals and nutrients.
QuintEssential® Hypertonic Elixir, in travel-friendly packaging, helps keep you hydrated on-the-go. Using it daily can help support your body, including before, during and after any energetic activity.
Why it works:
Whether you wish to promote or maintain your health, QuintEssential® delivers the perfect blend of organic ocean minerals to support whole-body health and rejuvenating rehydration, which can benefit every organ in the body.
Quintessential® Hypertonic Elixir is a perfect re-mineralization supplement, by offering 100% pure seawater full of electrolytes and trace elements.
It is typically used by individuals looking for an immediate revitalizing effect that can support exertion from major physical or mental tasks as it offers the minerals needed to help cell renewal and contribute to normal muscle and digestive functions. All the minerals and nutrients come without any added sugars, flavors, or dyes.
The science behind the product:
QuintEssential® Hypertonic Elixir is an organic-based bioavailable and complete mineral supplement extracted from the center of a protected vortex plankton bloom in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of France.
This marine plasma is processed according to founder Rene’ Quinton’s original protocol, which has stood the test of time for over 120 years.
The nutrient-rich, raw marine fluid is harvested from the depths of plankton-rich ocean blooms and cold-sterilized to retain its properties. It contains up to 78 bioavailable ionic minerals to help replenish our cells with the same mineral-rich bath that nourished life on earth for so many millions of years.
Quintessential® is harvested from a permanent upwelling of nutrients metabolized by phytoplankton off the coast of France. It contains rare and organically complex minerals, nucleic acids and phytochemicals.
Difference between Hypertonic and Isotonic:
Quinton's Isotonic Elixir has an equal mineral concentration to blood plasma and provides gentle mineralization and hydration. Quinton's Hypertonic Elixir is a more concentrated formula providing more minerals to the body which is is especially beneficial for exercise support.
How to use:
- Serving size, one drinkable sachet is 10ml of liquid form.
- As a food supplement, take 1 sachet (10mL) a day. Additional sachets, up to a total of 3 per day, may be consumed in divided doses prior to meals and strenuous physical and mental activity.
Note: Store product at room temperature.
Original source/product from Quicksilver Scientific