For you, if you are interested in powerful support to your anti-aging goals
The ingredients in Carnosine can:
- Offer powerful antioxidant benefits
- Inhibit glycation (which can contribute to wrinkled skin)
- Promote healthy aging and exercise recovery
This anti-aging supplement offers 500 mg of carnosine that can support healthy aging, protect muscle cells from oxidative stress during and after exercise, help the heart muscle contract more efficiently, and inhibit formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).

Carnosine is a natural antioxidant found in your body, as well as available through food. It is made of two amino acids, beta-alanine and L-histidine. Long-lived cells such as nerve cells (neurons) and muscle cells (myocytes) contain high levels of carnosine.
The carnosine found in the muscle cells seems to assist in extending lifespan in animals. Along with its antioxidant properties, carnosine has been shown to act as an anti-glycating agent.
This nutrient has the ability to suppress various aspects of aging and, as a result, delay some of the age-related conditions. However, carnosine levels decline with age. As we age, muscle mass declines by more than 60% when we reach 70 years.
Carnosine has been proven in scientific research to have a protective effect on the heart, allowing it to contract more efficiently. Aside from this remarkable capability, carnosine works towards boosting the repair of your muscles and speeds up cell recovery.
Aging is also responsible for damage to your body’s proteins. One underlying mechanism behind this damage is glycation, which can also manifest as wrinkled skin. Due to glycation, humans experience age-related neurologic, vascular and eye problems, as well.
In response, carnosine can interfere with the glycation process and diminish the consequences of above-mentioned problems, protect against formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
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