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You, if you want to ensure you get enough of this semi-essential amino acid 

The formula of L-Arginine Caps can:

  • Promote arterial health
  • Support healthy tissue & bones
  • Help maintain already-healthy blood pressure levels
  • Support a healthy immune system

The human body naturally produces L-arginine, and it is also obtained through diet. But some people struggle to get enough of this semi-essential amino acid through either of those routes. Life Extension's L-Arginine Caps provide 700 mg of L-arginine along with 10 mg of vitamin C to support arterial health and more. 

Product details:

L-arginine is a semi-essential amino acid. It is involved in numerous areas of human biochemistry/body activities that contribute to overall health, including ammonia detoxification, hormone secretion, and immune modulation. 

Arginine is also well known as a precursor of nitric oxide (NO), a component that delivers messages between body cells and partly controls blood circulation. 

As a result, when nitric oxide is synthesized by L-arginine, the arterial system is able to retain its youthful elasticity. At the same time, the immune system becomes stronger and Arginine also helps in maintaining your bones and tissues healthy. L-ornithine, a metabolite of arginine may contribute to the latter purpose too.

Some studies suggest that arginine and ornithine stimulate growth hormone (GH) evidenced by an increase in muscle strength during intense workouts. Other studies show the same effect for Ornithine alone. 

Some studies confirm that a combination of ornithine with acetyl-L-carnitine enhanced the GH release, while a low dose of the given combination is insignificant. The minimum dose required seems to be 5-9 grams.

  • Biomed Pharmacother. 2002;56(9):439-45.
  •  Am Heart J. 2011;162(6):959-65.
  • Nutrition. 2005;21(2):125-30.
  • Di Yi Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao. 2002;22(6):545-7.
  • Amino Acids. 2009;37(2):323-31.

Original source/product from Life Extension®