Geroprotection: The new dawn of AI-driven health-supplement research

Emerging within the field of longevity science is a promising new class of natural compounds. These compounds are called geroprotectors.
What are geroprotectors?
They are carving a path towards revolutionary anti-aging therapies.
Geroprotectors have been identified through advanced scientific research.
- Imagine that there are tiny paths, or signalling pathways inside each cell of our body.
- These compounds can turn on or activate pathways; as if flipping a switch to light up a road at night.
- By turning on these paths, the compounds help the cells work better and live longer.
This can contribute to slowing down the aging process and promoting a healthier, longer life overall.
How do geroprotectors work?
Geroprotectors work by targeting senescent cells.
In other words, they target cells that have ceased to divide and contribute to aging and disease (1,2). They do this by secreting proinflammatory substances.
By intervening in these processes, Geroprotectors not only prevent the degradation of organ health but also curb the systemic damage caused by these aging cells (3,4).
However, researching these compounds poses significant challenges. This is primarily due to the lengthy time frames required to assess their effects on human longevity.
This is where artificial intelligence (AI) steps in, offering a groundbreaking solution. Compounds capable of identifying and eliminating senescent cells are categorized as senolytics.
Clinical research on Geroprotectors and senolytics is complicated, as many decades may be required to determine human longevity benefits.
A novel way to accelerate the research is via the strategic use of high-speed computer programs utilizing artificial intelligence biomedical algorithms.
This technology has advanced to where it can identify natural compounds that activate anti-aging pathways throughout the body.
Swift research turnover
Researchers can now rapidly screen and identify natural compounds that exhibit geroprotective properties by leveraging high-speed AI algorithms.
This AI-driven approach significantly shortens research timelines and enhances our understanding of how these compounds interact with cellular mechanisms to delay or reverse aging processes.
Life Extension®, in collaboration with Insilico Medicine, has harnessed this technology to pinpoint nutrient combinations that act as effective geroprotectors.
Their joint efforts have culminated in the formulation of a blend of four nutrients, each targeting different but complementary aspects of cellular aging.
The mechanism of action
These nutrients modulate various cell signalling pathways, critical for maintaining youthful cell functions while preventing cells from entering a senescent state.
For instance, they address key anti-aging pathways by enhancing the body’s response to:
- Oxidative stress
- Inflammation
- Cellular repair processes
The synergy among these selected nutrients underscores a dietary and natural approach to aging.
By activating unique and overlapping pathways, they collectively defend against the natural aging process, effectively decelerating the progression of age-related cellular damage.
Broad-spectrum benefits
The impact of geroprotectors extends beyond merely enhancing cellular health.
They offer a promising strategy for managing and potentially curing a plethora of age-related diseases, including (2,5-20):
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Neurodegenerative disorders
By clearing senescent cells and promoting the regeneration of healthy tissues, these compounds significantly contribute to prolonging healthspan and improving quality of life.
What nutrients are geroprotective?
Selected nutrients and how they perform as geroprotectors
Together, these four natural compounds represent the beginning of the future: anti-aging cocktails identified using artificial intelligence under expert human supervision.
Each of the nutrients identified using in silico type of research showed an impressive record at geroprotection (3,4).
- Myricetin, a plant-derived polyphenol, is revealing a wide array of pathway modulation in age-related disorders.
- In particular, myricetin is known to regulate the p38 MAPK family of stress-responsive signalling molecules that are known to regulate aging in many tissues (21,22).
- Myricetin also promotes cell differentiation and self-repair and regulates pathways involved in metabolic processes (23-26). N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is a natural sulfur-containing molecule best known for its free-radical scavenging capabilities.
- NAC is proving useful for its ability to upregulate signalling pathways that boost natural, cellular protections against oxidative stress that promotes cellular senescence (27).
- In addition, NAC has shown powerful effects on reducing pathways that promote inflammation, adding further anti-aging benefits to this versatile molecule (27,28).
- Gamma tocotrienol is now showing a wide range of signalling pathway modulation that produces health benefits that far exceed those of simple oxidant-reducing nutrients (29-32).
- A unique pathway modulated by gamma-tocotrienol is the mevalonate pathway that controls cholesterol production, cancer promotion, and bone formation (29-31).
- Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) is a polyphenol with known anti-inflammatory properties, but new studies are showing that EGCG also regulates multiple pathways that influence aging in a broad range of tissues.
- EGCG uniquely regulates the Wnt pathway, which is vital in determining developing cells’ proper fate and preventing cancer (33).
- EGCG also prevents sugar-induced damage to tissues throughout the body, helping to suppress their pro-aging effects (34).
Scientists found that these compounds reduced cellular aging and various processes that contributed to aging by beneficially modulating a group of signalling pathways that led to the formation of senescent cells (3,4).
By studying signalling pathways that influence the development of cellular senescence, scientists can target specific pathways to slow the progression of senescence and decrease the number of senescent cells.
With the help of artificial intelligence and technology, we can determine which pathways are modulated by a single nutrient; and how nutrients can modulate multiple pathways (3,4).
Our geroprotective supplements
This is Life Extension Europe's geroprotective range:
- GEROPROTECT Ageless Cell
- GEROPROTECT Autophagy Renew
- Find more anti-aging products
The future of geroprotection
The integration of AI into longevity research represents a significant advance.
As AI technologies evolve, they will continue to refine our understanding of how Geroprotectors work, leading to the development of more effective treatments.
Moreover, ongoing research will enable us to slow aging and reverse certain aspects of it.
This, excitingly, is ushering in an era where advanced age does not necessarily correlate with poor health.
The scientific partnership between Life Extension® and Insilico Medicine illustrates the transformative potential of combining AI with biomedicine and health supplements. This collaboration not only accelerates the discovery of effective Geroprotectors; but also opens up new avenues for tackling the universal challenge of aging.
As we stand on the brink of these exciting developments, the prospect of extending human lifespans in healthful vigor becomes increasingly tangible, promising a future where aging is no longer an inevitable decline but a controllable aspect of life.
Read more
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