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How to get rid of fish oil burps

One of the fundamental supplements you should take energizes and safeguards your heart and brain. This might sound fishy, but it’s true!

A simple way to support brain and heart health, even if you are following the recommended two servings per week of fatty fish is by taking a quality omega-3 fish oil supplement.

A premium fish oil supplement with a balance of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA can help give your heart and mind the support and antioxidant protection they need.

What are omega-3 fatty acids good for?

Omega-3 fatty acids support longevity and whole-body well-being. 

Studies show these fatty acids help encourage a healthy inflammatory response. 

With that being said, when the fish oil that goes down comes back up in the form of a fishy-tasting burp, you might be tempted to re-think your daily dose. 

Fortunately, we have ways of keeping a cap on that fishy aftertaste.

What are fish oil burps?

Experiencing a burp is a common occurrence for everyone, even the tiniest of infants. 

After a meal, your stomach signals that it is in full-digestion mode with burps that can taste unpleasantly of what you have eaten. 

Whether it be onions, broccoli, garlic, or even fish oil, these burps do not taste as good on the way up as they did on the way down.

A fish burp, often referred to as the "aftertaste" from a fish oil supplement, is one example of a burp that leaves a less-than-pleasant taste in your mouth.

Why does taking fish oil cause burping?

A few burps after eating is a normal part of digestion. Burps release air from the stomach to prevent it from overinflating. 

So we burp to release the gas produced by normal digestion, to release the air we swallow along with our food and drinks, and to vent the carbonation from sodas and other drinks. 

You might have heard that fish oil burps mean the fish oil supplement is rancid, but that is false. 

Burps are a natural part of the digestive process, and burping does not indicate poor fish oil quality.

Do fish oil burps eventually stop?

If you are trying to break free of fish burps while getting your heart healthy omega-3s, you have several options.

There are a variety of forms in which fish oil supplements are available, including omega-3 gummies, drinkable oils, capsules, and soft gels. You may discover that one form is more suitable for you in terms of taking your omega-3 fatty acids without experiencing side effects.

Try a different omega-3 supplement

Don't let one fish oil product that makes you burp discourage you from taking omega-3 supplements altogether! Some brands add lemon to their fish oil to help with the fishy aftertaste, while enteric-coated soft gels can help reduce burping. 

If you prefer to avoid animal products, consider a vegetarian DHA supplement made from algae oil instead of fish oil.

Try a different omega-3 dose 

If you are just starting fish oil supplementation, consider starting at a lower dose. This might mean starting with an omega-3 gummy bite that has 300 mg EPA and 225 mg DHA and working your way up to two servings per day of omega-3 softgels that deliver 700 mg of EPA and 500 mg of DHA. 

Although you'll see benefits at lower doses, remember you’ll get more omega-3 fatty acid benefits if you consume higher doses, such as 1400 mg EPA and 1000 mg of DHA daily.

How to select a quality omega-3 supplement

Fish oil supplement quality and safety differ, based on their nutrients and purity. 

It's advised to make informed choices by checking the EPA and DHA content and requesting a batch-specific certificate of analysis (COA) from the manufacturer. This verifies ingredient potency (like EPA and DHA levels) and tests for contaminants.

Seek omega-3s with a Five-Star IFOS™ rating, ensuring optimal omega-3 levels and safety checks against contaminants. Read more about this on our blog.

Some supplements enhance the benefits of EPA and DHA with ingredients like olive and sesame extracts or astaxanthin, known for its potent antioxidant properties. Additionally, krill oil, another omega-3 source, supports joint, brain, and cardiovascular health, and combats inflammation.

Optimizing fish oil supplement intake

After choosing a high-quality fish oil for heart and brain health, follow these tips to reduce fish burps:

  • Consume with meals to improve absorption and consider digestive enzymes for extra support. This also aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin D.
  • Freezing capsules might help, though Life Extension advises against storing soft gels in cold conditions to prevent moisture-related issues.
  • Opt for enteric-coated soft gels to ease digestion.
  • If one dose causes burps, try dividing it across meals.
  • Taking omega-3s before bed might minimize the inconvenience of fishy aftertaste or burps, as you sleep through potential discomfort.

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  1. https://www.lifeextension.com/wellness/supplements/fish-oil-burpsInnes 
  2. JK, Calder PC. “Marine Omega-3 (N-3) Fatty Acids for Cardiovascular Health: An Update for 2020. Int J Mol Sci. February 2020. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7072971/
  3. Solan, M. “You don’t say? Excuse me, but should you squelch your belch?” Harvard Health Publishing. March 2022. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/you-dont-say-excuse-me-but-should-you-squelch-your-belch
  4. “Health Benefits of Anchovies.” WebMD. August 2022. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-anchovies