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For you, if you want to keep your cat healthy with a high-quality nutritional support for pets

The nutritious blend found in Cat Mix can:
  • Help support heart, kidney & eye health with taurine
  • Provide arginine to promote heart, kidney & pancreatic function as well as gut health
  • Support cardiovascular health with B vitamins
  • Encourage optimal health with high-quality ingredients

Cats have specific physiological and structural systems and require specific foods and nutrients. Cat Mix contains premium-quality vitamins, amino acids, phytonutrients and antioxidants that are not usually found in many commercial pet foods and that can promote your cat's optimal health. Taurine, arginine, and B vitamins are some of the essential nutrients for a cat's health, and they are found in this pet supplement.

Product details:

Animals have unique physiological and structural systems and need specific food and nutrients for optimal health. Household pets are now considered family members who require special attention.

Filling the need, the pet food industry has grown tremendously over the years. Yet, you have to wonder if you acquire the best nutrients for your cat that has more stringent nutritional requirements than dogs and humans. 

Special diet required

Cats are carnivorous. But unlike dogs that can eat some plant-based foods, cats’ digestive systems are especially equipped to process animal protein.

  • Taurine is a must for your cat’s heart, kidney and eye health. 
  • Arginine detoxifies ammonia in the cats’ kidneys and is also important for heart and pancreatic function and a healthy bowel.
  • Just like humans, they require B vitamins to support the cardiovascular system. So, how can you be sure that you give your pet the best nutrition?

Cat supplement with premium-grade nutrients

Besides high-quality commercial foods that are nutrient-enriched, food supplements are the best way for acquiring the vitamins and minerals necessary for long healthy lives.

Just two scoops of Life Extension’s Cat Mix delivers the nutrients your pet needs to stay healthy and strong. Cat Mix provides significant amounts of:

  • Vitamins
  • Flavonoids
  • Amino acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Probiotics
  • Essential fatty acids
  • Methylation enhancers
  • And more

Life Extension pet supplements contain the same premium-grade nutrients used in the products consumed by Life Extension customers.

  • Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 1989;19(3):403-13.
  • The Journal of nutrition. 1978;108(12):1944-1953.
  • Toxins (Basel). 2018;10(5)
  • Vet Res Commun. 2005;29 Suppl 2:39-44.

Original source/product from Life Extension®